History of Bay leaf oil:
Bay leaf also called laurel leaf, of the sweet bay tree ( Laurus Nobilis), an evergreen of the Family lauraceae, indigenous to countries bordering the Mediterranean, A popular spice used in Pickling and Marinating and to flavour stews, stuffings, and Fish, bay leaves are delicately fragrant but have a bitter taste, The smooth and lustrous dried bay leaves are usually used whole and then removed after the Dish cooked. Bay has been cultivated from ancient times its leaves constituted the wreaths of laurel that crowned victorious athletes in ancient Greece.
The Bay laurel tree has long been known as a symbol of honour. This is why Greek and Roman scholars otherwise referred to as baccalaureates, are always portrayed wearing the traditional head wreath made of laurel leaves. In fact the very name of this herb implies the position of honor when bestowed upon an individual. At one time physicians were represented with laurel to impart to them the wisdom of Apollo and Aesculapius, the gods associated with healing and medicine.
Distillation & Properties of Bay leaf oil:
Bay leaf ( Laurus nobilis) is a perennial shrub belongs to the family laurel (Lauraceae). It has been cultivated throughout the Asian countries mainly India. It has been thousand of years for food Flavouring, essential oil applications, and in traditional medicine. Mostly it contains tannis, flavones, flavonoids, alkaloids, Eugenol, linalool, methyl chavicol and anthocyannis, the extent of each of these chemical constitutents varies depending on the type of species as well as cultivation condition such as soil type weather Irrigation Pruning and other Horticultural Practices.
Vishwanath Oils Products manufacturer of Bay leaf oil ( laurus Nobilis) In India By Steam Distillation Method.
Blends with Bay leaf oil;
Bay leaf Oil blends well with Bergamot, cedarwood, Clary sage oil, cypress, eucalyptus oil, neroli, rosemary, thyme, ginger frankincense, geranium, juniper , lavender and lemon oil.
Constituents of Bay leaf oil:
Each batch of essential oil is tested in GC/MS by analysis in VISHWANATH OILS PRODUCTS In lab section. By senior analyst and Constituents are b-caryophyllene, (b)-limonene, a-pinene, b-pinene, sabinene, b-bisabolene, a-copaene, (E)-b-farnesne, a-cubebene, d-3-carene.
Uses of Bay Leaf oil;
Anti-Neuralgic: The Essential oil of bay leaf has analgesic and astringent properties, which help provide relief from the pain of neuralgia in its own way. Being an analgesic, it reduces the feeling of pain in affected area. Then, as an astringent, it induces contraction in the blood vessels, thus relieving the pressure on the cranial nerve, giving immediate relief from the pain.
Antiseptic: Wounds should not be ignored, even if they look mild, more so when they are from iron objects, rusty or otherwise, or from dirty or unclean objects. Wounds are very much prone to septic, which can result in severe convulsion cramps, breathlessness, pain hydrophobia and even insanity. The antiseptic property of this oil protects wounds against such infections and inhibits bacterial growth while helping to avoid those painful situations.
Fight Infections: Since certain components of the bay oil are capable of fighting infections that cause cough, cold and fever, this oil helps reduce fevers. Its sudorific property also contributes to this, since perspiration helps bring down body temperature.
Boosts Appetite: Loss of appetite is a very common problem with people who lead a metropolitan way of life. With the excessive pressure of work in the office as well as at home . therefore an appetizer or an aperitif can be a helping hand in these cases. Nothing is better than an herbal aperitif like the essential oil of bay leaf to help them want and have a sumptuous lunch or dinner.
Promotes Discharge of Bile: Bay oil promotes the discharge of bile into the stomach, thereby helping maintain the acid and base balance in it. This bile is used to break down the complex food molecules and to neutralize the excess acids discharged into the stomach, which is very important, since this excess acid can wear down the inner lining of the stomach, causing ulcers.
Analgesic: An analgesic like the essential oil bay leaf reduces pain and is particularly effective in pains resulting from coughs and colds, viral infections, influenza, and sprains. Again this is better than the analgesic pills available on the market.
Precautions to use over Bay leaf oil:
Stay on the safe side and avoid use. Diabetes bay leaf might interfere with blood sugar control. Monitor Blood sugar closely if you have Diabetes and use bay leaf oil as a medicine. Surgery Bay leaf might slow down the central Nervous system.
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